Introducing fiber can increase gas or bloating in some people. This is a normal reaction as your body begins to acclimate to the increased daily fiber intake. This is a temporary effect and should diminish after 2–3 weeks. If you’re very uncomfortable, consider taking only one or a half packet of Balance daily before your first meal, or take it on its own without a meal until you are adjusted.
Do you feel like there’s a construction site inside you? Gassiness, noises? Is this normal?
Many people who shift to a higher fiber intake and higher protein intake start to experience digestive symptoms. This is because our bacteria are finally getting some fuel! But don’t worry, over time your body will promote an environment where the microbiome does shift, and the symptoms resolve themselves.
This is all part of the natural adjustment process that occurs when you start to increase prebiotic fiber and even more if you have increased your protein intake. Both fiber and protein pull water into our systems. Just think about how easily the Balance starts to thicken in the water if you don’t drink it right away. It’s that natural swelling that is occurring in your digestive tract right now.
Balance, contains both soluble and insoluble fibers. Both types of fibers absorb large amounts of water. The swollen fiber moves through your digestive tract, sweeping debris along with it. Insoluble fiber will continue to absorb liquid until it reaches a saturation point. After that, the excess water acts like a lubricant to help move the fiber (and everything else) along. So keep up the water intake and the bloating and gas will pass soon.
Another reason you start to feel the bloat is because these natural fibers start to ferment in your gut because you may not have the diverse bacteria to digest the prebiotic fibers. This fermentation process creates gas since your body doesn’t yet have the bacteria yet to digest these fibers. This is prompting your body to start to build new types of gut bacteria to help digest these different fibers. Building diverse bacteria means more diversity in your gut and overall better health.
How long does it take for someone to adjust to increasing prebiotic fiber intake?
That length of time all depends on what your diet looked like before the FGS. It can range anywhere between 1-2 weeks to start to feel the bloating subside. It can even take the entire 30 days.
Symptoms such as gas, bloating and some cramping is totally natural. It’s important to ensure we are getting adequate water. Increase hydration, exercise is also helpful to stimulate your bowels (walking and Jogging etc). This can help support the transit of the bulk in your tract. Depending on your baseline microbial diversity, The shift of your gut microbiome shouldn’t take longer than a month, but EVERYONE is different so just be patient and commit to the process.
What if i’m too uncomfortable?
Start taking only 1 packet of balance a day with your first or second meal. You can also take half a packet for each meal until you start to feel better and then resume with 2 packets daily.