


What are the Benefits of Unimate? What are the Ingredients?

Click Here for Ingredients

How is Unimate Different From Coffee?

Will Unimate give me the jitters?

Most people report higher energy levels and a lack of jitters as some of the primary benefits of Unimate due to the high levels of antioxidants that slow down the caffeine breakdown. So you will not crash. It has a higher antioxidant concentration than green tea and other tea’s. This, in turn, makes it superior when it comes to preventing oxidative stress, and helps to produce a calming energy and focus.

Please note that Unimate has about as much caffeine as a cup of premium coffee (less than 100mg), so please be careful if you are sensitive to caffeine and do not drink Unimate too fast, do not chug it. Sip on it, and enjoy.

Can I take Unimate more than once per day?

Yes. Because of the caffeine and chlorogenic acid content in Unimate, we don’t recommend drinking Unimate before attempting to sleep, but having additional servings throughout the day is okay. We recommend having an additional serving between meals to help curb any craving to snack and to enhance the benefits of the system.

Can I still take my medication? How do I take my Medication with the Feel Great system?

Continue taking your medication as directed. If you are on diabetes medication you may need to work with your doctor to adjust your dosage as your sugar numbers improve. If there were any contraindications to the feel great products, it would be listed in the PDR. The PDR is the most trusted source of information for health care practitioners.
Here are the PDR summaries: Unimate: https://bit.ly/UnimatePDR
Balance: https://bit.ly/BalancePDR